Suite 401, Gateway Hospital Medical Centre, 36 Aurora Drive, Umhlanga Ridge 031 566 5959

The split personality of arthritis

Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis

Arthritis, dear readers is a common term, thrown around without regard for its true nature. The word instills fear in many a heart and for many more, it is the bane of their existence. Let us delve into the the perplexing world of its two faces – osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.   Now, osteoarthritis and …

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Good Health starts Here

good health feet

In the past, the medical world followed the biomedical model to help treat patients and the ailments they complained about. The theory meant that healthcare professionals (HCP) only looked for physical reasons for disease/symptoms. And if you got rid of that physical cause, you would be better. It also meant patients didn’t have any control …

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Better Running – A patient’s story

I’ve always been the sports active one in the family – running, cycling, golf, strength training and now also stand up paddling. My sister has always been the “culture vulture”. Debating and ballet have been her natural go-to over conventional sports such as running. So it has been with intense fascination that I have watched …

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Pelvic Floor Kegel Exercises

pelvic floor kegel

To Kegel or not Kegel? To achieve optimum function of your pelvic floor, it has to have the ability to; Contract fully Relax fully Contract at the correct time Relax at the correct time It is pretty difficult to decide whether you’re able to do all of the above, especially if you aren’t fully aware …

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