Suite 401, Gateway Hospital Medical Centre, 36 Aurora Drive, Umhlanga Ridge 031 566 5959

Role of Physio in Mental Wellbeing

mental wellbeing support

When it comes to physiotherapy, most people associate it with the journey of healing from an injury or helping to manage long term pain. As with many aspects of health, there is a major shift from compartmentalising or seeing a person as one dimensional. Human beings are multifaceted and supporting all aspects is not only …

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A Physiotherapist’s Truth Bombs

Physiotherapist truth

I have literally treated hundreds of bodies with a multitude of conditions over the years of being a Physiotherapist in Umhlanga. A few basic truths/rules/advice seems to pop up for every person and I’m going to share these with you. They have great value and could certainly help you prevent experiencing pain or at the …

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FAQ What is the difference between physio and chiro?

difference between physio and chiro scales

This is a guest blog by Alex Bar, a health coordinator from Backs in Action, a centre in North America with both physios and chiros. He is also an aspiring health writer and host to a wellness website called Tips4Wellness. We asked Alex to write the answer to this FAQ in order to get an unbiased response, …

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