Have you ever stood in that bank queue, patiently waiting when that deep backache or knee pain starts? It isn’t an uncommon story. Why do so many people experience pain whilst standing? We should all know how to stand without harming ourselves, right?
We have lost the art of body awareness. The simple functions of how to activate the right muscles and use all our sensors to adjust, move within a position and get comfortable. Pain is a gentle reminder that the body was designed for movement and not sedentary postures. Yes, I just called standing a sedentary posture. Standing is only an active position if we are balancing on an uneven surface or reaching for something outside our centre of gravity.
The following video will show you how to stand with the least amount of pressure through all the joints. However, please bear in mind that even if you adopt the perfect standing posture (just like sitting), maintaining it for too long will result in the body complaining by way of discomfort or pain.
This video is to help you regain some of that body awareness through mindfulness and hopefully learn how to reduce your pain whilst standing. And it has an added benefit…becoming more aware of which muscles are used whilst standing and how to adjust the position helps to improve balance too.
Thanks so much for the above info, Carmen!!
I will be seeing you shorty and will call for an appointment.
With warm regards,
Maureen Pevsner
Great tips Carmen
Have you previously posted anything on planter fisciitus (sp?)
would really be interested in this
I have not but I can definitely make that my focus for next month. In the meantime you may find this blog on load management helpful…it is the main contributor to developing pf and also a key component of the rehab.