Last month I gave you a few Physio Truth Bombs to think about. Now I want to dive a tiny bit deeper into one of those truths – exercise is 90% of your recovery. It is the one thing that people simply struggle to get around to and then wonder why they aren’t getting better as fast as they hoped.
The most common line I hear in my day is “I didn’t have time to do the exercises” or “I won’t be able to fit those in my schedule”. I get that argument. I have personally used it on numerous occasions. However, when something is so important, we need to make a change or two so that we can get around to it.
But how?
According to BJ Fogg of, we get overwhelmed when we try to develop a big habit. Instead, we should figure out what the ‘first bite’ habit is, or the first step. The bite-size habit should be defined and must not take longer than 60 seconds to complete. Who can say no to 60 seconds in their day?
For example, the recommended amount of strength training for adults is twice per week, covering all the major muscle groups of the body. The health benefits are massive, yet this type of programme can take 30-60 minutes of your day. Easy to argue against. However, commit to doing one strength exercise for 60 seconds, and suddenly it doesn’t seem like such a daunting task. You may even enjoy it and continue with another muscle group.
60 Seconds
Rehabilitation exercises can be approached in the same way. Trust me, I would rather have you do 60 seconds of one of the exercises I prescribe, than nothing at all.
What are you waiting for? 60 seconds may be all it takes to get you on the road to real recovery.